Choosing the right mower for weed control and cutting
05 Oct 2017

Keeping weeds under control can be a challenge for any property owner. Weeds are a sure sign that your grass isn’t happy - but what should you do and what type of lawn mower should you use? Mowers come in a wide range of sizes, types, budgets and brands - from push mowers to ride-on and zero turn mowers. The seemingly endless range of mowers makes choosing the right one for your property slightly overwhelming! We’ve outlined the best types of mowers to use for standard lawns as well as larger, heavy and taller weeds that you’ll find in paddocks.
The type of lawn mower you need will largely be determined by your lawn size, terrain (is it hilly or flat?) and obstacles.
- Lawn size
- Terrain (flat or hilly)
- Obstacles (trees, gardens)
- Cut type (side discharge or mulch)
- Smooth & flat vs. undulating
- Budget and personal preference
- Ease of use and comfort
Mowing is the best way to save time on a rural property. The type of lawn mower you need will be largely be If you’re maintaining a paddock with tall weeds, you may want to consider DR field & brush mowers. Their super powerful OHV engines can cut down tough, springy, hardwood saplings as well as long grass and weeds. If your property is on a slope, look into investing in a zero turn mower, which offers manoeuvrability and improved slope performance; allowing you to work around obstacles like trees. Another good option is the Canycom slope & brush mower. These versatile machines have a low centre of gravity and are capable of mowing both fine turf and heavy brush, gorse, broom, and even small trees!
Small lawns, edges and tight spaces
Rear catching tractor style mowers are ideal for small, manicured lawns that don’t have many rough or long areas. However, if your lawn has been seeing its fair share of weeds, look at investing in a trimmer mower. These are a handy option for mowing long grass and weeds in tricky areas of your property such as long fence lines, around tree, edges and in orchards. Trimmer mowers have around 6x more power than a standard brushcutter, which means you can get tough jobs done faster. Trimmer mowers come in both walk behind and tow behind options.
Weeds can get out of control in yards that aren’t properly maintained. Prevent weeds from popping up in the first place with frequent mowing using the appropriate mower. Regular mowing makes it easier to control lawn weeds and remove flowering stalks. It helps keep our lawns tidy, but also promotes tillering - when a lawn thickens its green leaf and simultaneously slows down the growth of runners and spreading.
OMC has the largest number of lawn mowers in New Zealand in a range of sizes, types, budgets and brands. To learn more about choosing the right mower for your property, have a look at our free guide to choosing a mower for your property. Otherwise, get in touch with our expert team.